There are free web page building tools on most free web sites. is probably the most popular.
All you do is take a picture and create a hyperlink on it, when clicked.
Microsoft word creates html pages.
My best recommendation is that you download Netscape Suite or Mozilla
Suite, and follow it's help files, and basically you are just saving the
pages as htm documents instead of txt or doc files. Anytime that you are on
the internet, click "view" click "source code", and you are looking right at
the html coding.
For building web pages, some of the free editors are text-based
not graphical or graphically editable, and these require html programming
The wysiwyg do not, but write their own html, require no knowledge of actual
html programming.
Netscape Browser/Composer based/maintained and similar to's Mozilla Suite
(included with the full install on most versions)
Netscape Composer is an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
editor that allows you to create and edit web pages. Composer
is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, so you
can display how your page will look to the reader as you're
creating it. It is not necessary for you to know HTML, since most
of the basic HTML functions are available as commands from
the toolbars and menus. However, Composer also lets you edit
the HTML source if you want.
Go to
1. Download Netscape Full Install from this web site.
2. Install and Open Netscape Browser
3. To Open "Netscape Composer", there are several ways to open Composer
...a.Click "File", Click "NEW", Click "Blank Page To Edit", opens composer
...b.Click "Tasks", and Click "Composer"
...c.This composer link has an instruction for creating a web page
Also based on mozilla, NVU (new view):
Finally! A complete Web Authoring System for Linux/Microsoft
Windows users to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver.
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing of pages, making
web creation as easy as typing a letter with your word processor.
Integrated file management via FTP. Simply login to your web site and
navigate through your files, editing web pages on the fly, directly from
your site.Reliable HTML code creation that will work with all of today's
most popular browsers. Jump between WYSIWYG Editing Mode and HTML
using tabs.Tabbed editing to make working on multiple pages a snap.
Powerful support for forms, tables, and templates.The easiest-to-use,
most powerful Web Authoring System available for Desktop Linux users.
Open Source:Nvu is 100% open source. This means anyone is welcome
to download Nvu at no charge, including the source code if you need to
make special changes. Developers can get involved and help make
Nvu even better.
Welcome to Selida HTML EDITOR
If you have been searching for a truly useful HTML Editor,
then your search is over! Selida is one of the most advanced
HTML editors on the planet. Selida features a very effective
WYSIWYG editor, Code Completion and a complete HTML
4 reference. Selida was engineered to be complete and capable
- all with the decidedly best price on the planet - 00.00 ! That's
correct. Free. Selida does differ from many 'free' HTML Editors
in that it is truly full featured and easy to understand, while
remaining powerful enough for the advanced user. Selida users
range from the beginner to the professional.
Free Open Office Suite's HTML writer: Fully compatible and cross-compatible
to/with MS-Word,
Excel, Publisher, Front Page, Paint/Imaging, & fully handles (reads and even
creates) Adobe pdf files.
Microsoft Front Page Express:
It's on the win98 1st-edition cd-rom, and also included for free with
Internet Explorer 5.0 downloads. I found explorer 5.0 on my msmoney cd.
Makes it's own desktop icon. It can also be downloaded from the web at:
Microsoft Word will create an entire impressive website, but the coding is
very messy/confusing.
If you are looking for a fair priced graphical html web editor program,
check ebay for Macromedia Dreamweaver Studio or Front Page. Macromedia
Studio with Dreamweaver and Fireworks is the very best out there. What I do
is check ebay for a good price on completed auctions, and then shop cnet and
others from there.
Post by John MaidaWhere on the Internet can I connect to in order to
learn how to create an email message with a graphic
banner, with a link embedded in the banner.
Or, if it's not too complicated, I would appreciate any
instructions via a reply to this newsgroup or directly to me.
Thanks for your help,
John Maida
Richmond, VA, USA