(too old to reply)
2005-07-16 19:20:09 UTC
Nvu & Tutorial: Best Freeware, Open Source, Stand Alone,
Web Page Composer (Win, Mac, or Linux). Graphic Designer
Mode (WYSIWYG) With Drag and Drop. Also Known as Netscape
Composer, Mozilla Composer, or AOL Composer. Most Popular
Free HTML Editor.Standalone.

No need to learn html coding. The best free web page editor is Nvu, no
question about it. It's graphic design mode makes graphical cut and
paste, and drag and drop, instant. http://www.nvu.com/download.html

Free Tutorial below.

Thousands of free web page templates, http://oswd.org

Old Gringo
2005-08-05 23:36:28 UTC
Post by Ringo
Nvu & Tutorial: Best Freeware, Open Source, Stand Alone,
Web Page Composer (Win, Mac, or Linux). Graphic Designer
Mode (WYSIWYG) With Drag and Drop. Also Known as Netscape
Composer, Mozilla Composer, or AOL Composer. Most Popular
Free HTML Editor.Standalone.
No need to learn html coding. The best free web page editor is Nvu, no
question about it. It's graphic design mode makes graphical cut and
paste, and drag and drop, instant. http://www.nvu.com/download.html
Free Tutorial below.
Thousands of free web page templates, http://oswd.org
I haven't tried it yet but it sure looks good. Loaded my index.html
and it looks great. Thanks for the info and link.
Old Gringo George
Magic Weaver Of Life
Enjoy Life And Live It To Its Fullest
Freedom For The World <http://www.nuboy-Industries.com>
Bill in Detroit
2007-01-07 04:48:14 UTC
I haven't tried it yet but it sure looks good. Loaded my index.html and
it looks great. Thanks for the info and link.
I just ditched it. Try hand-coding something in the Source view. Most of
the time you'll lose your edit when you change to normal or preview
modes. This is mentioned on their support forums along with (if I read
correctly) the rather troubling note that NVU is no longer being
developed ... although a fork of the code is apparently due out 'any
day now'.

NVU does not provide a way to view the page in a real browser, either.

As Queen Elizabeth might say: "We are not amused."

Sorry ... but I've been fighting with this for well over a month, trying
to figure out what the magic whammy was that permitted me to keep the
edits once in a while.

Two days ago I spent at least two hours trying to get it to accept some
public domain PHP coding for a simple menu.

Yesterday I switched to CuteHTML Pro 6 and so far, only good.


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